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French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the dissolution of the French parliament and called for new legislative elections following a significant defeat for his

alliance in the European elections, where Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) party emerged victorious.

Macron acknowledged the grim results for his government in the EU elections and emphasized that he could not ignore them. In a national address, he declared that lower house elections would be held on June 30, with a second-round vote scheduled for July 7.

"This is a crucial moment for clarity," Macron stated. "I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered... France needs a clear majority to act with serenity and harmony."

Expressing concern over the rise of far-right parties across the continent, Macron stressed that he could not resign himself to the current situation.

Le Pen's National Rally (RN) party, led by 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, secured approximately 32 percent of the EU vote, surpassing Macron's ticket, which received only 15 percent, according to initial exit polls. The Socialists trailed closely behind Macron, with 14 percent of the vote.

Le Pen's remarkable performance, with a 10-point increase from the last EU election in 2019, threatens Macron's grip on power three years before the end of his final term. It may also trigger significant defections from his centrist camp as the race to succeed him intensifies.

"We are prepared to assume power if the French people entrust us in the upcoming national elections," Le Pen declared at a rally shortly after Macron's announcement.

Le Pen and Bardella positioned the EU election as a midterm evaluation of Macron's mandate, capitalizing on dissatisfaction with issues such as immigration, crime, and a two-year inflation crisis.

These election results mark a pivotal moment, as Macron is ineligible to run for president again, while Le Pen sees this as her best-ever opportunity to secure victory in the Elysee Palace. Photo by Remi Jouan, Wikimedia commons.