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Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo expressed deep concern over President Emmanuel Macron's decision to call for early parliamentary elections less than a month before the start of the Paris Olympics.

"I was stunned to hear the president decide to dissolve the Assemblée Nationale," Hidalgo said, referring to Macron's announcement made on Sunday.

The snap elections, scheduled for June 30 and July 7, follow disappointing European Parliament election results for Macron's centrist party. Hidalgo, a Socialist and political rival of Macron, said the president "could not continue" as before but criticized the timing of the dissolution, calling it "extremely troubling."

Despite Hidalgo's concerns, both she and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) assured that the elections would not disrupt the operational aspects of the Games. "All the work of installing, of preparing the Games, the infrastructure, is behind us," Hidalgo said during a visit to a Paris school. IOC President Thomas Bach echoed her sentiments, stating, "The elections are a democratic process which will not disturb the Olympics."

The elections could lead to political instability if no party secures a majority or if the far-right Rassemblement National party of Marine Le Pen gains significant ground. This instability raises questions about the government in place during the Olympics, especially as key ministers will play vital roles in ensuring the event's smooth operation and safety.

The Paris Olympics, starting on July 26 with an unprecedented open-air ceremony on the Seine, have faced other concerns, such as security arrangements and the cleanliness of the river for open-water swimming events. Strike threats from trade unions and public disputes over the choice of music for the opening ceremony and the official poster have also highlighted France's political divisions.

The snap elections will require the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of security forces, further straining resources ahead of the Games. Despite these challenges, both Hidalgo and Bach remain optimistic about the city's readiness to host the Olympics. "We will welcome the world with joy," Hidalgo said, reaffirming the city's commitment to delivering "iconic" Games. Photo by Global Climate Action Summit 2018, Wikimedia commons.