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Julius Dein, the world-renowned magician and social media personality, has seen a significant drop in his follower count since the onset of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Despite this, Dein remains steadfast in his decision to speak openly about his Jewish heritage.

In a LinkedIn post on Tuesday, Dein, who commands over 70 million followers across his social media platforms and previously held the title for the most viewed Facebook page globally, revealed: “I’ve lost MILLIONS of social followers in the last 6 months. Because I’ve spoken about my Jewish heritage openly and condemned actions that I think are wrong.”

Dein elaborated on the challenges he faces: “I’m proud to be Jewish. But celebrating that publicly has been tough,” mentioning the violent threats, racism, and death threats he has received through direct messages.

Dein, a former JFS student, has built a highly successful career on social media, with his viral videos garnering more than 100 million daily views. He acknowledged the darker aspects of social media.

He highlighted that 95 percent of content creators have faced online hate and harassment. While he supports the notion of healthy disagreement, Dein condemned violent threats, racist comments, and the incitement of hate-filled actions, asserting, “In 2024, there’s no place for it.”

At 30 years old, Dein has performed for high-profile celebrities such as Lionel Messi, Jeff Bezos, and Drake. He affirmed his commitment to his heritage: “I will continue to talk about my heritage. It’s a part of me.”

In February, Julius shared with Jewish News his philanthropic focus for the year, which includes funding and building schools in Uganda. Photo by Njikuijko56, Wikimedia commons.