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British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak emphasized that China represents the most significant global challenge to security and prosperity, while also suggesting that complete

decoupling from the country is not the preferred approach. Speaking after the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima, Japan, Sunak stated that China's increasing authoritarianism domestically and assertiveness internationally pose substantial challenges.

Sunak further mentioned that the G7 countries, including the UK, will adopt a united approach to address the issues presented by China. The focus is on de-risking rather than full decoupling, aiming to prevent China from using economic coercion to interfere in the sovereign affairs of other nations.

The G7 issued a statement reiterating the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, which has witnessed Chinese military activities causing concerns about Taiwan's security. Taiwan is a democratic and self-governed island that China considers as part of its territory.

In response, China's foreign ministry lodged a complaint with Japan, the host of the G7 summit, expressing strong opposition to the joint statement. China claimed that the statement disregarded its concerns, attacked the country, and interfered in its internal affairs, including the matter of Taiwan. Photo by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, Wikimedia commons.