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Russia to host competition.

Despite England putting in a competitive bid, Russia have been appointed as hosts for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. 

Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Jeremy Hunt said “I, like the whole country, am obviously hugely disappointed with FIFA's decision. England's 2018

team put together a fantastic bid and we can honestly say there is nothing more that we could have done.

I congratulate Russia on being selected and wish them luck for hosting the tournament.”

David Beckham


England bid team gets ready for final presentation


The Prime Minister, Jeremy Hunt, David Beckham and Hugh Robertson travel to Zurich today to support England’s World Cup 2018 bid.

“England 2018 would be a great World Cup,” the PM recently told the BBC’s Football Focus show. “I’ll be as passionate as I possibly can be about what England can bring for a 2018 World Cup that’s not just good for football but also good for FIFA and good for the world over.”


Final Presentation


The England bid team will give their final presentation to FIFA’s Executive Committee on Thursday 2 December, just hours before the final decisions are made over the locations of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup competitions.

“Winning the right to host the 2018 World Cup would be a fantastic opportunity for the country,” said Sports Minister, Hugh Robertson, who will also be in Zurich. “We would put on a fantastic festival of football with supporters from all competing countries welcomed with open arms. The FA also has excellent plans to leave a lasting legacy benefitting the lives of young people around the world.”

The PM met with FIFA President Sepp Blatter at Downing Street in October, to discuss England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

Issa Hayatou (NO SALES) This handout image provided by the 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee South Africa, FIFA SG Jerome Valcke and FIFA LOC Chairman Issa Hayatou attend the 2010 Soccer World Cup Press conference at the CTICC Media Centre on December 2, 2009 in Cape Town, South Africa.


Claims of corruption made against Fifa vice-president Issa Hayatou in a BBC documentary are to be investigated by the International Olympic Committee.

Hayatou is also an IOC member and the Panorama programme, broadcast on Monday night, claimed he was given a bribe worth £10,000 in 1995 by the now-defunct marketing company ISL.

The IOC said in a statement: "The IOC has taken note of the allegations made by BBC Panorama and will ask the programme makers to pass on any evidence they may have to the appropriate authorities. The IOC has a zero tolerance against corruption and will refer the matter to the IOC ethics commission."

Three people were accused by Panorama of taking bribes - African confederation president Hayatou, whose vote England's campaign to host the 2018 World Cup had high hopes of capturing, Brazil's Ricardo Terra Teixeira and Nicolas Leoz of Paraguay.

Fifa vice-president Jack Warner is alleged to have tried to buy World Cup tickets to pass on to touts - although the programme accepted he did not actually do so.

According to Panorama he "ordered (2010 World Cup) tickets costing 84,240 US dollars from the Fifa ticket office but the deal subsequently fell through".

The four men are all part of the 22-man committee who will vote on the 2018 and 2022 hosts on Thursday.

Fifa released a statement insisting that the Panorama documentary had simply covered old ground.

The statement read: "The matters concerning the case "ISL/ISMM" which are referred to date back many years ago and were investigated by the relevant authorities in Switzerland. In its verdict of 26 June 2008, the Criminal Court of Zug had not convicted any Fifa officials. It is therefore important to stress again the fact that no Fifa officials were accused of any criminal offence in these proceedings.

"Furthermore, it is important to recall that the decision was made on matters which took place prior to the year 2000 and there has been no court conviction against Fifa. The investigation and the case are definitely closed."

Copyright (c) Press Association Ltd. 2010, All Rights Reserved.

David Beckham


 If David Beckham is the A-Rod of soccer — and with the pretty-boy looks and obnoxious insincerity he's off to a good start — then the rest of Major League Soccer is the Florida Marlins. The latest survey shows the Galaxy star makes $6.5 million, more than 43 times the league average and well ahead of the next-best team, the Chicago Fire.


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