

British Queen celebrates

UK news

The British government said Thursday it had changed the policy of flying flags on royal birthdays, with local authorities no longer required to raise the Union Flag for


British police arrested nine Greenpeace campaigners on Wednesday who blockaded BP's London headquarters with solar panels and oil barrels to mark the new boss's first day at the energy

Britain's Brexit-day front pages expressed both joy at the country's imminent departure from the European Union and remorse and trepidation on Friday as the UK

London's powerful "City" financial sector, facing reduced access to mainland European markets following Brexit, is banking on its global appeal to forge new ties and remain an international

Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have agreed to give up their royal titles and stop receiving public funds as part of a settlement with the Queen that lets them

Brexit hasn't happened yet, but the fashion exodus has already begun. Craig Green, the rising star of British fashion who has won menswear designer of the year three

After years of bitter arguments, British MPs will on Thursday finally approve the terms of Brexit, paving the way for the UK to leave the EU on January 31.


The EU's top official told Britain on Wednesday that it could lose its open access to the European market if it refused to extend post-Brexit partnership talks beyond

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will set out his plans for government on Thursday following a sweeping election win, focused on delivering Brexit and supporting

Petrol and diesel vehicles will be banned from a street in central London in an innovative attempt to reduce pollution, local authorities said.