

British Queen celebrates

UK news

The scale of the Conservatives' projected victory in Britain's election makes Brexit all but inevitable, but could lead to a softer break with the European Union, analysts said on Friday.

At a dingy office space in north London, around 60 Labour activists busied themselves recently with the basics of modern campaigning before next week's general election.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservatives are heading for a comfortable win in next month's election, according to a detailed new poll, amid reports Thursday that the rival Labour

Britain's most senior rabbi on Tuesday suggested Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's handling of anti-Semitism allegations made him "unfit for high office", in an unprecedented intervention ahead

“Transport for London (TfL) has concluded that it will not grant Uber London Limited (Uber) a new private hire operator’s licence in response to its latest application,” it said in a statement.

British telecoms giant BT on Wednesday threatened to end its backing for an awards scheme unless Prince Andrew was dropped as patron, in the latest fall-out from the royal's interview about


Britain's Boris Johnson and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn go head-to-head Tuesday in their first TV debate of the election campaign, facing scrutiny over their plans for Brexit and more public

From film sets to bat sanctuaries and vegetable gardens, London's disused Underground stations host a subterranean world of surprises. Now a new exhibition at the London Transport Museum

Credit ratings agency Moody's on Friday downgraded the outlook for Britain's debt, citing mounting policy challenges amid the Brexit debate.

The splintered country is entering its third general election in four years to try and resolve the crisis launched by voters’ decision in 2016 to break away from the European Union after nearly