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The Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Rabbi Warren Goldstein, has launched a strong critique against the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope, accusing them of abandoning biblical

teachings. Rabbi Goldstein’s remarks come in response to the two religious leaders’ support for a ruling by the International Court of Justice, which deemed Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem unlawful.

In a pointed video message posted on Twitter/X on Sunday, Rabbi Goldstein expressed his dismay, stating that the Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope Francis have neglected their "most sacred duty" to uphold and protect the values of the Bible.

Rabbi Goldstein argued that this moment calls for religious leaders to defend societal values and Western freedoms. Instead, he criticized Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury for their perceived silence on critical issues, such as the murder of Christians in Africa, the threat of terrorism across Europe, and what he sees as their hostility toward Israel's efforts to counter these threats, particularly those he attributes to forces led by Iran.

Earlier in the month, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, had issued a statement reflecting on his visits to the region, where he expressed concern for Palestinian Christians whose futures he believes are endangered by the lack of a Palestinian state, ongoing occupation, and settlement expansion.

“Having visited our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters many times over recent decades, it is clear to me that the regime imposed by successive Israeli governments in the occupied Palestinian Territories is one of systemic discrimination,” Archbishop Welby stated. He highlighted the significant impact this has on Palestinian Christians, threatening their future and viability, and emphasized that ending the occupation is both a legal and moral imperative.

The Archbishop further underscored the importance of embracing the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in light of what he described as escalating violations of international law. Photo by NYC Wanderer (Kevin Eng), Wikimedia commons.