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The UK is proud to support Pacific authorities in their efforts to combat corruption and money laundering.

Participants at the anti-corruption and AI conference in Pacific Harbour, Fiji.

A three-day conference has commenced in Fiji, focusing on how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can aid in the fight against corruption across the Pacific.

Led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji, the conference brings together senior officials from the region’s anti-corruption sector, as well as regional and international digitalization experts. This initiative, supported by the UK through the UNDP-implemented Pacific Anti-Corruption Project, aims to enhance public financial management and tackle corruption using technology. Efforts include improving budget preparation, promoting the right to information and accountability, and strengthening anti-corruption institutions and civil society engagement.

Technological Advancements and Connectivity Challenges

The 21st century has seen relentless technological advancements, transforming everyday life through smartphones, social media, and the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, 40 percent of the Pacific region’s population remains ‘digitally excluded,’ missing out on the benefits of this new era. Addressing connectivity issues and avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach to digital solutions will be crucial topics at the conference.

Opening Remarks by Key Figures

His Excellency Dr. Brian Jones, British High Commissioner to Fiji, stated in his opening remarks:

"We see all over the world the horrible consequences of money laundering and corruption; it hits the poorest people hardest and compounds harm on the most vulnerable, including women and girls in our communities. Illicit funds are used to enable a whole range of threats, including funding serious organised crime - trafficking of narcotics and cyber attacks. In the Pacific, as we work to increase the flow of climate finance to help mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and the use of mobile money for payments and remittances grows, so too does the risk that these areas can be exploited by criminal actors.

Therefore, we must use this opportunity of our partnership, which the UK is proud to support, to share knowledge, foster new relationships, build integrity and bring together the Pacific family to share regional best practice and experience and build our defences to illicit Finance."

Munkhtuya Altangerel, Resident Representative of the UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji, added:

"While we must adapt and innovate to keep up with the relentless march of progress, we must also be cautious when it comes to digitalization and technology. The digital revolution offers powerful tools to combat corruption, but these tools alone won’t win the fight. We need strong institutions, empowered citizens, and a commitment from Pacific Island nations to work together, and this conference offers the opportunity to forge a path toward a more transparent and accountable future in the Pacific."

Conference Goals and Support

The conference, titled "Tackling Corruption in the Pacific: Can Technology and Artificial Intelligence Facilitate a Breakthrough?" is supported by the UK and the European Union. The three-day event will conclude on 31 May. Photo by catlin.wolfard, Wikimedia commons.