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UK news


There is growing pressure on Chancellor George Osborne to abandon the Government's controversial 3p-a-litre increase in fuel duty planned for January.

Labour are calling on the Government in a Commons vote this afternoon to delay the tax hike until at least next April, claiming families and businesses are in desperate need of some good news from the Exchequer.

Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Rachel Reeves said: "With our economy so fragile and prices still rising faster than wages, it would be wrong to go ahead with another tax rise on families and businesses.

"To boost our flatlining economy, Labour has already called for a temporary VAT cut which would take 3p off a litre of fuel. But if ministers won't do this, the very least they could do is axe January's fuel duty rise at least until April. And they could pay for this by clamping down on known tax avoidance loopholes, like the one used by some employment agencies to falsely inflate expenses."

Labour had hoped some campaigning Tory backbenchers would support its motion and rebel against the Government.

But Robert Halfon MP, who has led the campaign against increasing fuel duty, said he would not vote against the Government until he had seen whether Mr Osborne responds to mounting concerns in the Autumn Statement, due on December 5.

He said: "The cost of fuel is the number one issue, that's why I am campaigning on it. I have had discussions with various people and it is my view that the Government is in strong listening mode. If I didn't believe that I would make a point and go in to the lobby with Labour."


There will be no further controls to stop Bulgarian and Romanian migrants coming to the UK from the end of next year, Home Secretary Theresa May has admitted.

Mrs May said that from December 2013 there would be nothing to prevent migrants from the two eastern European countries coming to Britain.

Both countries joined the EU in 2007 but strict controls were put in place preventing their residents moving to the UK and other member states.

These come to an end in December 2013 but there will no further controls to stop migrants from Bulgaria and Romania coming to the UK.

She said ministers could only now look at what attracted migrants to Britain, such as the NHS and benefits system.

But the Home Secretary said the Government was still aiming to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands, a key pledge of the Tories' 2010 election manifesto.

Speaking to Andrew Marr on the BBC, Mrs May said: "I am looking at free movement generally across the EU. Originally it was free movement of workers, it has been extended over the years.


Transport group FirstGroup has frozen its dividend following the West Coast rail franchise fiasco, but said it remained "committed" to UK rail.

The company, whose appointment to take over the line from Virgin Rail was cancelled due to a flawed bidding process, is holding its interim dividend at last year's level and will review the full-year payment once its rail prospects are clearer in the wake of government reviews.

Aberdeen-based FirstGroup paid £12.3 million in total UK rail bidding costs, including for the West Coast franchise.

The Department for Transport has already said it will repay bidding costs to the four groups involved in the botched bid process and FirstGroup said it was in discussions with Government over the bill it incurred.

Tim O'Toole, chief executive of FirstGroup, said "no one is a winner" after the West Coast blunder, which has led to two separate inquiries into the West Coast bid process and wider franchise arrangements in the UK.

FirstGroup, which runs First Great Western, TransPennine Express, First Capital Connect and Scotrail services, was also shortlisted for three franchises, which have all now been put on hold after an inquiry discovered flaws in the DfT's bidding process.

FirstGroup said it was "extremely disappointed and frustrated at this extraordinary series of events". But it added: "We remain committed to maintaining our leading position in the rail market and are actively engaging with the ongoing reviews to help shape the future of franchising."



An expatriate British businessman murdered in China was passing information to MI6 about a powerful Communist Party boss, it has been reported.

Neil Heywood was said to have met regularly with an MI6 officer in China and provided details about the private affairs of the now disgraced Bo Xilai, according to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

In August Mr Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, was convicted of poisoning Mr Heywood in a hotel room in the city of Chongqing, where her husband was the party chief, in a case which rocked the Communist Party establishment.

Although she was said to have killed him because she thought he had threatened her son over a business dispute, the case has been dogged by speculation that Mr Heywood was working for British intelligence.

In an attempt to quell the rumours, Foreign Secretary William Hague took the rare step of issuing a statement saying the businessman was "not an employee of the British Government in any capacity".

However the WSJ said that while it was "technically true" to say that he was not working for MI6, he was a "wilful and knowing informant".


A man has been arrested and bailed over a cyber attack on the websites of the Home Office and the Home Secretary, Scotland Yard said.

The 41-year-old was held at his home in Stoke-on-Trent on suspicion of encouraging a distributed denial of service attack on the sites.

He allegedly targeted the Home Office and Theresa May's constituency websites and urged others to take part in the attack online.

Distributed denial of service attacks are designed to overwhelm websites so they crash.


As the London 2012 Games draw to a close, VisitBritain looks back over some of the summer's most memorable moments and gives ideas for re-living the magic of the past few weeks.

1. You saw Bond land in the stadium. After his parachute jump with Her Majesty The Queen, it's fitting that Bond's 23rd film – which hits screens next month – is called Skyfall. Make like 007 and try a Martini at the famous Duke's Bar, where Ian Fleming wrote much of Casino Royale, follow in the footsteps of every Bond actor by getting a shirt fitted at Turnbull and Asser (or pyjamas, as favoured by Judi Dench's 'M') or experience the thrill of climbing over the Millennium Dome, as Bond once did, at Up at the 02. Budding Bond girls should get the Goldfinger treatment at the Dolphin Square Spa with a 23 Carat Gold Body Ceremony. 

2. The London 2012 Festival amazed millions of people. The finale of the four year Cultural Olympiad saw some of Britain's most famous places, like Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh and Hadrian's Wall, transformed into the canvas for amazing artworks, and Britain's reputation for excellent culture is set to grow. The Liverpool Biennial, blockbuster exhibitions like Hollywood Costume and Marc Chagall, through to the Manchester International Festival and year-long celebration of Derry-Londonderry as UK City of Culture 2013 are just some of the highlights in store. 

3. You saw Stonehenge in a new light. The London 2012 Festival saw a spectacular fire show illuminate Stonehenge, as well as a bouncy castle version of it tour the country. Next year, visitors will be able to experience the UNESCO heritage site without the disturbance of cars or noise, as a $42.2 million project will divert the road that runs by the stone circle and open a state-of-the-art new visitor centre. 

4. The Olympic Stadium became a familiar sight – as billions of people watched sports events and ceremonies live and on TV. The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will reopen one year after the Olympic Games began, on July 27, 2013. Visitors can watch and play sports in the multi-use arena and explore the beautiful parklands and waterways. Want to experience an Olympic venue now? Head to the Lee Valley White Water Centre, the first London 2012 venue to open after the Games which is ready to thrill visitors with its 300m Olympic Standard Competition Course.


Four people have been arrested at one of the UK's new gas-fired power stations, bringing to an end a week-long protest at the site.

Nottinghamshire Police said the final two women climbed down from a tower at West Burton power station in Nottinghamshire on Monday morning and were arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass.

A man and a woman were also arrested on Sunday afternoon, a force spokesman said.

Twenty-one people have now been arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass since the protest began.

A force spokesman said the protesters came from across the country with none living in Nottinghamshire.

The "No Dash For Gas" campaigners have been protesting at the site since making their way into the plant in the early hours of last Monday.

The former chief executive of the Serious Fraud Office received £422,000 in pension and severance payments without proper authorisation, the Whitehall spending watchdog has said.

The National Audit Office ruled that the payments made to Phillippa Williamson when she took voluntary redundancy earlier this year were "irregular".

As a result, it said it was "qualifying" the SFO's annual accounts for 2011-12.

The head of the NAO, Amyas Morse, said: "By failing to seek approval from the Cabinet Office and the Treasury, the Serious Fraud Office entered into an agreement which forced it to make irregular payments. While positive steps have been taken by the incoming director, I have qualified the organisation's accounts."

Ms Williamson left the SFO last April. However, the NAO said there was no evidence that "due process" was followed in instigating voluntary redundancy - such as determining whether any alternative position within the Civil Service had been sought.

On leaving, her severance agreement provided for £407,000 to be paid to MyCSP, which administers the principal Civil Service pension scheme, to cover the additional pension costs arising from her early departure. The SFO should have gained approval from the Cabinet Office for the payment, but the NAO said there was no evidence that it did.

Ms Williamson also received a "special severance payment" of £15,000 which should have received advance approval from the Treasury as it was "in excess of contractual amounts" - but again the NAO said there was no evidence that such approval was sought.


Travellers heading home this Christmas will have to contend with disrupted services on a key London to Scotland rail route on December 23 and 24.

There will also be disruption to services on this West Coast route in the days after Christmas.

Part of a £125 million Bletchley resignalling project, the engineering work is part of planned works over the festive period. The work means there will be no direct services from Euston station in London to Milton Keynes, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool or Glasgow on December 23 and 24.

Hourly services will run from Euston via an alternative route (Chilterns) to Nuneaton where passengers will be able to change for services heading to all the destinations mentioned above.

Direct services resume on Thursday December 27, but with two of the four lines closed up to and including New Year's Eve. This means fewer (but direct) services to the usual destinations.

Network Rail (NR) network operations managing director Robin Gisby said: "Services on the West Coast on December 23 and 24 will be severely affected by a major project to increase line-speeds and capacity in the Milton Keynes area.

"We understand and regret the impact this will have on passengers and freight services, but believe it is unfortunately necessary to achieve the long-term benefits this work will deliver for many years to come."


The number of British nationals stranded on the east coast of America by superstorm Sandy should become clearer, according to a senior UK diplomat.

Danny Lopez, the British consul-general to New York, said that despite the devastating weather phenomenon leaving a large area of New York devastated, consular staff in the US had only been contacted by 14 UK nationals over the past two days.

He told ITV's Daybreak: "It has been a few hours now since Sandy has left but it has become very clear and very apparent what the path of destruction has been, not just in Manhattan but across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

"It is going to be a long process now towards recovery."

Speaking from Lower Manhattan, Mr Lopez said he had never seen anything like the destruction left by the storm.

"What we are hearing from authorities right now is that it will probably take around three or four days for power to come back here to this area," he added.

Mr Lopez said he did not have any figures on how many Britons were stranded in New York, but had heard that JFK and Newark airports would be opening on Wednesday with a limited number of flights.