

British Queen celebrates

UK news


The City of London Corporation is encouraging all Londoners to act responsibly as they mark the end of 2020 and welcome in the New Year.


The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has proposed that the Government introduce a ground-breaking levy on major private property developers that could raise £3 billion to address the rampant


Soldiers from the Royal Gurkha Rifles supported the Zambian National Anti-Poaching Task Force by sharing their skills with recruits 


A company in South Wales will play an integral part in delivering the British Army’s next-generation armoured fighting vehicle, the UK Government has announced.


Londoners have shown how much they value small and independent businesses across the capital by raising more than £1.5 million through an innovative scheme designed to support them


Londoners have shown how much they value small and independent businesses across the capital by raising more than £1.5 million through an innovative scheme designed to support them

The British Red Cross and St John Ambulance Cymru are gearing up to support the coronavirus vaccination in a number of Welsh health boards.  


The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today announced that the capital’s world-famous New Year’s Eve event will be replaced with a unique broadcast moment to reflect on 2020 and look


The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has warned that hundreds of homeless Londoners face the potentially fatal choice of freezing on the streets or risking Covid infection in communal


Fintech business lender MarketFinance has launched a Business Booster Fund that will make grants of £5,000 available to UK small businesses. The initiative forms part of the MarketFinance