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Twitter is facing criticism for its failure to address "extreme content" on its platform, specifically concerning tweets that promote discriminatory views against black and Jewish individuals.

The social media giant has come under scrutiny after dismissing complaints about a post that advocated for the sinking of a ship carrying workers from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago in 1948.

The same anonymous user also asserted in a tweet that individuals from black and Jewish backgrounds could not be considered British. Despite objections raised about these offensive remarks, Twitter chose not to take action. The remarks were made during the Windrush 75th anniversary commemorations, adding to the significance of the issue.

On June 22, 1948, around 500 workers from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago arrived in Tilbury, Essex, aboard the HMT Empire Windrush. These individuals formed part of the Windrush generation, a group of people who migrated to the UK between 1948 and 1971 from Caribbean countries to address post-war labor shortages.

Sunder Katwala, director of the independent think tank British Future, expressed concern over Twitter's apparent indifference towards extreme content. He noted that Twitter now seems to take such content far less seriously than it did in the past, raising questions about whether this change is a deliberate policy under the platform's new ownership or a consequence of reduced staff capacity.

Katwala emphasized that if Twitter fails to act against extreme content, the argument for external regulation becomes stronger. He cited instances where offensive content, like the comments made by the anonymous user, would typically face consequences. However, public figures, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, ministers, and MPs, continue to endure daily racism due to the inadequacies of social media platforms.

Katwala believes that social media platforms disproportionately amplify the views of a small minority, distorting the perception of progress among younger generations. He argues that the failure to enforce basic social norms online hampers the ability to participate in public spaces on equal terms, perpetuating a sense of regression rather than advancement.

As Twitter faces criticism for its inaction, the impact of allowing discriminatory views to thrive on its platform raises concerns about the platform's commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful online environment. The company has been contacted for comment on the matter. Photo by MatthewKeys, Wikimedia commons.