

British Queen celebrates


The UK population is projected to grow to 72.5 million by 2032, marking an increase of nearly five million people compared to 2022, according to the latest figures released by the

Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The ONS estimates that the population will rise by 4.9 million (9.9%) over the decade from 2022 to 2032, with net migration accounting for nearly all of this growth. Projections show net migration will total 4.9 million during this period, with an average annual migration figure of 340,000 from mid-2028 onwards.

Births and deaths across the decade are expected to balance out, with approximately 6.8 million births offset by 6.8 million deaths nationwide.

By 2032, one in every ten people in the UK is projected to be aged 75 or older, highlighting the country’s aging population. The number of people eligible for the state pension is also anticipated to rise significantly, from 12 million in mid-2022 to 13.7 million in mid-2032, representing an increase of 1.7 million.

In previous projections, the ONS estimated the UK population could reach nearly 74 million by 2036, reflecting an increase of 6.6 million people between 2021 and 2036. Photo by mattbuck, Wikimedia commons.