A recent survey has found that more than half of Gen Z respondents are open to the idea of turning the UK into a dictatorship. The study highlights a rising trend of authoritarianism and
radicalism within the younger generation, along with a significant gender divide in opinions.
According to the poll conducted by research company Craft for Channel 4’s report Gen Z: Trends, Truth, and Trust, 52% of respondents aged 13 to 27 agreed the UK would be a better place under “a strong leader who didn’t have to bother with parliament or elections.”
Growing support for radical change
The survey also revealed that 33% of Gen Z respondents supported the idea of the military taking control of the country, while 47% agreed that society “must be radically changed through revolution.” These findings indicate a marked shift toward unconventional solutions to societal issues.
Gender divide on equality
The poll identified a stark divide in attitudes toward gender equality among male respondents. Forty-five percent of men in the 13-27 age range expressed concerns that “promoting women’s equality” has gone so far that it now “discriminates against men.” Similarly, a large portion believed efforts to ensure gender equality have already gone far enough.
Influencers and trust in media
The study also highlighted changes in how Gen Z evaluates trustworthiness. Fifty-eight percent of participants said they find social media posts from friends more trustworthy than traditional news outlets. Male respondents displayed similar levels of trust in influencers like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson, with 42% considering them reliable sources of information.
Discontent among young men
One 25-year-old man from Cornwall described feeling “targeted” for being a “regular straight white man,” claiming that while such groups had cultural advantages in the past, they now face risks of discrimination. A 27-year-old respondent from Norwich, while supporting political correctness, emphasized the importance of free speech and the need to balance inclusivity with the right to express differing opinions.
A generation of contrasts
Alex Mahon, CEO of Channel 4, remarked on the paradoxical nature of Gen Z, describing it as both “the most authoritarian and liberal generation.” She attributed the disengagement from democracy to “online pied pipers who wilfully subvert truths,” warning of the dangers posed by a growing divide in trust and values within society.
The full report will be unveiled at the Royal Television Society event on Thursday, shedding further light on the evolving attitudes of the younger generation.
These findings raise critical questions about the future of democracy, trust, and equality in the UK, as Gen Z continues to shape the nation’s cultural and political landscape. Photo by Nben54, Wikimedia commons.