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Plans to construct a 37-storey skyscraper near the busy Hagley Road in Birmingham have been approved. The new development will include 462 apartments, along with amenities such as

gyms, meeting rooms, and co-working spaces.

The project has raised some concerns, particularly regarding the limited provision of affordable housing and the potential impact on nearby historic buildings. One councillor even described the plans as "perverse." Despite these concerns, the developers defended the project, emphasizing that it would provide Birmingham with much-needed, high-quality new homes.

The construction will involve the demolition of a vacant office building, No. 1 Duchess Place, to make way for what will become the tallest building in the area. According to a council officer's report, the developers have committed a financial contribution of £1.9 million to support affordable housing elsewhere in the city.

The proposals were also praised for contributing positively to Birmingham's goal of creating sustainable communities, according to the report. Photo by West Midlands Police from West Midlands, United Kingdom, Wikimedia commons.