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In 2023, reports of potholes to local councils reached a peak not seen in the past five years, as indicated by data from local government sources.

Potholes wreaked havoc on an unprecedented scale in 2023, prompting hopes among scientists that advanced technologies such as self-healing roads could eliminate them once and for all.

According to local governments and the AA, reports of potholes and the resulting damages reached a five-year high. The AA estimates that these incidents may have incurred repair costs of up to £500 million for UK drivers.

Scientists caution that climate change is likely to exacerbate the issue, with increased wet weather and temperature extremes causing additional harm to road surfaces.

Almost 630,000 potholes were reported to councils in England, Scotland, and Wales between January and November 2023, marking a five-year high. This data, compiled by the campaign group Round Our Way through a Freedom of Information request, was obtained from 115 out of 208 councils approached, suggesting that the actual number of reported potholes is likely much higher.

"Potholes are the bane of many of our lives and put drivers, cyclists, and even pedestrians at risk of serious injury," says Roger Harding, director of Round Our Way. "The weather extremes that climate change brings are sadly creating many more of them at a time when cuts mean repairs are already not keeping up."

The Local Government Association emphasizes that councils share the concerns of all road users regarding the state of the roads and are actively addressing what they describe as a £14 billion backlog of road repairs. They also call for more consistent and regular funding.

A Department for Transport spokesperson outlines decisive actions to address the pothole issue, including an additional £8.3 billion of redirected HS2 funding, the largest-ever funding increase for local road improvements. This investment is expected to resurface over 5,000 miles of roads across the country.

The AA reports dealing with 631,852 pothole-related incidents related to tyres, wheels, steering, and suspension last year – another five-year high for the organization. With an average repair cost of £250 per pothole accident, the AA estimates that these incidents cost its customers around £160 million in total last year. The AA believes the total figure for the entire country could be as high as £500 million, representing only around a third of Britain's drivers.

Potholes impact not only drivers of motor vehicles but also other road users, with cyclists being particularly vulnerable to accidents.

Scientists across the UK are actively researching solutions to eradicate the pothole menace.

At the University of Cambridge, engineering specialists explore projects such as a digital map of cracks and holes, self-healing roads, and resilient materials. One team focuses on gathering data from modern cars' sensors to digitally map the country's road holes, utilizing virtual reality simulations to visualize sensor capabilities.

Cambridge, along with Leeds and Liverpool Universities, conducts research on the use of robots for road repairs. In one Cambridge lab, a team demonstrates a robotic arm, while another robotic system developed by Liverpool University, employing artificial intelligence, is set to be tested on public roads in Hertfordshire.

Cambridge researchers are also developing materials capable of withstanding extreme wear and tear and self-healing properties. One team explores self-healing concrete, utilizing capsules within the road surface containing a healing agent that fills cracks when ruptured.

The combination of weather and wear and tear stands as a major cause of potholes. Cracks form, water seeps in, freezes, and expands, pushing up the road surface. This cycle of freezing and thawing, along with traffic passing over the damage, weakens the road. The roads are further damaged in summer when they dry up and potentially buckle.

With climate change causing more frequent extreme weather, the deterioration cycle is expected to accelerate. To address both potholes and climate concerns, certain reusable plastics are undergoing trials on highways.

At the University of Surrey, Dr. Benyi Cao collaborates with National Highways to test the use of geothermal energy in specific areas, aiming to maintain controlled temperatures on road surfaces. The team plans to test ground source heat pumps, incorporating buried pipework and microcapsules capturing energy in the soil. If successful, the system could cool roads in summer and warm them in winter.

Dr. Cao emphasizes the urgency of developing new and innovative methods to cope with current climate change, linking the state of our roads to climate change. He calls for concerted action through improved road maintenance practices, innovative materials and technologies, and broader climate change mitigation strategies. Photo by Editor5807, Wikimedia commons.