

British Queen celebrates


Flood alerts have been issued along the River Thames in London on Sunday, January 14, as high spring tides are expected. The alerts indicate that river levels will be elevated during this

period, with warnings of potential flooding on low-lying roads and footpaths for one or two hours around high tide.

The peak of high tide is anticipated at around 4 to 6 pm today and approximately 4 am tomorrow. The government flood alerts assure that homes are not likely to be flooded. The river flow at Teddington Weir is notably high at 230 cubic meters per second.

Areas at Risk Include:

Custom House in Newham

Narrow Street, Limehouse

Mayflower and Angel pubs around Rotherhithe near the river

Royal Naval College riverfront and the Almshouse Slipway at Crane Street in Greenwich

Bankside by the Tate Modern

Three Mill Island near the River Lea in Bow

Putney Embankment

Chiswick Mall and Strand on the Green

Thames Bank at Mortlake

Ranelagh Drive in Twickenham

Friars Lane and Water Lane in Richmond

Riverside and The Embankment at Twickenham

Towpath below Teddington Lock

Despite no forecasted rain in London by the Met Office over the next 24 hours, temperatures are expected to peak at 6°C this afternoon between 2 pm and 4 pm before dropping to 3°C at night.

Overnight temperatures will decrease to as low as -3°C, reaching -5°C in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Residents are advised to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions during this period of heightened river levels. Photo by Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz (Kpjas), Wikimedia commons.