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Top managers of wealthy companies who have been working from their country homes have been ordered to return to the office by their employers, just like their

lower-paid staff. London-based investment manager M&G has asked its high-earning staff to come into the office at least three days a week, as part of the growing industry-wide push to bring employees back to the office.

This move follows concerns over the lower productivity of working from home, as well as younger and less well-paid staff being left with no choice but to come into work because of unpleasant home environments.

The email from M&G's new CEO, Andrea Rossi, urged managers to embrace "the value of spending time together" and described it as an important step towards building a truly great place to work. The move comes as many companies are abandoning the idea of remote working entirely, and others are banning hybrid working altogether. Photo by Microbiz Mag, Wikimedia commons.