

British Queen celebrates


The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has announced that his Deputy Mayor for Transport, Heidi Alexander is to step down from her role.


Sadiq has today paid tribute to Heidi for her service to Londoners since she joined his team in 2018, and in particular for helping lead Transport for London (TfL) through the pandemic.


Heidi had planned to step down at the end of Sadiq’s first term earlier this year, but stayed in her post to help secure TfL’s latest Government funding settlement.


Sadiq has also announced today that he is appointing Seb Dance as Heidi’s successor as Deputy Mayor. 


Seb served as a Member of the European Parliament for London from 2014 to 2020, during which time he was Vice Chair of the Environment Committee. He has also been a special adviser to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and previously worked for the charity ActionAid UK.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “I want to thank Heidi for her exceptional service to London as Deputy Mayor for Transport. Heidi has worked tirelessly to support our public transport during the last three and a half years.

“In particular, I’d like to pay tribute to Heidi for tirelessly leading TfL through the pandemic - the most difficult period in its history.

“She is without doubt one of the most dedicated, resilient and respected politicians I have ever worked with and I wish her all the best for the future.

“I am delighted that Seb Dance has agreed to become our new Deputy Mayor for Transport. I look forward to working with him to strengthen our public transport network, ensure the Elizabeth Line is a success and continuing to improve TfL as an organisation.”

Heidi Alexander said: “It has been an enormous privilege to work with Sadiq and so many brilliant colleagues at both TfL and City Hall during the last three and a half years.


“I have learnt from some exceptionally talented people and I am tremendously proud of the way we kept London moving through one of the most difficult periods in its history.


“The work we have done on Crossrail, protecting free travel for children and young people, cleaning up London’s air and making cycling safer is critically important for our city and I am pleased to have been able to make a positive contribution to those efforts.”


Seb Dance, said: “I am honoured to be joining Sadiq and the team at City Hall at this crucial time for London.


“A high-quality and affordable public transport network is fundamental to London and the UK’s recovery from the pandemic – and I look forward to continuing Heidi’s fantastic work.


“London is without doubt the greatest city in the world – and I am looking forward to working with TfL to deliver a world-leading transport system.” Photo by tony_duell, Wikimedia commons.