

British Queen celebrates


King Charles delivered a moving tribute to those who participated in the D-Day landings, honoring their role in replacing tyranny with freedom. Speaking at the

80th anniversary commemoration in Portsmouth, one of the key departure points for the Normandy invasion in June 1944, the King emphasized that we owe these brave individuals an eternal debt.

Reflecting on the sacrifices made during D-Day, King Charles celebrated the "courage, resilience, and solidarity" of the dwindling number of veterans. His address was part of a national commemoration held on Southsea Common, attended by Queen Camilla and the Prince of Wales.

The King praised the "greatest amphibious operation in history," acknowledging the immense bravery of those who faced uncertain survival. He stressed that their efforts to end brutal totalitarianism should never be forgotten and urged the present generation to honor their legacy by balancing rights with civic responsibilities.

Portsmouth, a crucial embarkation point 80 years ago, played a significant role as Allied forces set off to liberate France and Western Europe from Nazi occupation. The commemorative event featured stories from D-Day participants, including veteran Roy Hayward, who landed in Normandy on June 6 at the age of 19. Hayward emphasized the importance of remembering those who fought for democracy, ensuring their stories are never forgotten.

Prince William contributed to the commemoration with a poignant reading from Captain Alastair Bannerman’s diary, which captured the soldier's thoughts of family as he approached the French coast on D-Day.

Among the highlights of the event was King Charles's personal meeting with D-Day veteran Jim Miller. At 20 years old, Miller had landed on Juno Beach. The King invited him to Buckingham Palace to hand him his 100th birthday card personally. "I am humbled to reach such a great number, especially when I think of those who fell on the Normandy beaches all those years ago," Miller reflected.

This year's commemoration sees 23 surviving D-Day veterans traveling to Normandy, with an additional 21 attending a memorial event at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. These commemorations are seen as a significant, and possibly final, opportunity to honor a large group of Normandy veterans, given their advancing age.

Later in the week, King Charles will attend a commemorative event at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer, France, alongside more than 25 heads of state, with Prince William also in attendance. Photo by Chief Photographer's Mate (CPHOM) Robert F. Sargent, U.S. Coast Guard, Wikimedia commons.