

British Queen celebrates


The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) will continue to empower young people to voice their opinions on crucial issues, as the Government appoints the

National Youth Agency (NYA) to manage the program for 2024/25. Following the closure of the British Youth Council in March 2024, the NYA will now oversee the UKYP, ensuring its sustainability.

Established 25 years ago, the UKYP comprises over 300 young people aged 11 to 18, elected as Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) to represent their peers. Elections are held biennially in over 70% of constituencies, often in schools, providing young people a platform to drive social change through representation and campaigning on issues such as climate change and mental health. MYPs regularly meet, including for an annual debate in the House of Commons.

In 2023, the UKYP launched a campaign for Universal Free School Meals, which became a central topic in their House of Commons debate. This initiative exemplifies how MYPs lobby the UK Parliament to address the priorities of young people.

The Government has funded the UKYP since 2011, previously through the British Youth Council. With the transition to the NYA, the program will continue seamlessly, working alongside regional youth work units in England, the Scottish Youth Parliament, Children in Wales, and consultants in Northern Ireland.

This funding aligns with the Government’s commitment to providing every young person the opportunity to thrive. In 2022, the Government announced the ‘National Youth Guarantee,’ ensuring all young people aged 11 to 18 in England have access to clubs, activities, adventures, and volunteering opportunities by 2025, supported by over £500 million in investment.

Additionally, the Government has allocated £12 million to the #iwill Fund, which promotes youth social action, including volunteering and fundraising. This fund has already created over 60,000 opportunities for young people to engage in their communities. 

Minister for Civil Society and Youth, Stuart Andrew, said:

“The Youth Parliament is a vitally important way for young people to become politically engaged and have their say on the issues that matter to them. It has also proven to have a positive impact in developing their confidence and leadership skills.

By securing the future of the Youth Parliament for the coming year, we are underlining how the Government is absolutely committed to creating opportunities for young people’s voices to be heard as voters and politicians of the future”. Photo by 3jrk22, Wikimedia commons.