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Cadbury is preparing to launch a new line of chocolate bars with 75% less sugar and fat, aiming to offer a healthier alternative without compromising taste.

The renowned British chocolate brand has reformulated its recipe using plant-based fibers to reduce sugar and fat content significantly. While Cadbury believes that this trend of healthier chocolate could gain popularity, they acknowledge that it may take time for consumers to fully embrace the change in taste.

Dirk van de Put, CEO of Mondelez, Cadbury's parent company, compares the adoption of low-sugar chocolate to the gradual growth of diet drinks. He recognizes that it will require patience and persistence to shift consumer preferences. Although the taste of the new bars may not be identical to the original, Cadbury is committed to keeping them on the market and believes they are getting closer to achieving the desired flavor.

The move towards healthier alternatives aligns with Cadbury's recent release of the 91-calorie Delight range, which offers lower-calorie chocolate bars filled with nougat and caramel. These bars come in orange, hazelnut, and salted caramel flavors and cater to individuals seeking mindful indulgence. Cadbury emphasizes that the 91-calorie range is not intended as a healthy low-sugar option but rather as a lower-calorie treat that maintains taste.

While the reduced-sugar bars provide an occasional indulgence, experts caution against daily consumption. Duane Mellor, a registered dietitian and researcher, advises treating the bars as an occasional pleasure rather than incorporating them into a daily routine. He highlights the advantage of the individually wrapped bars, which can help limit consumption. However, he suggests that a small portion of one's favorite chocolate may be a similarly viable option.

Cadbury follows in the footsteps of other confectionery giants, such as Mars, which have introduced slimmed-down versions of beloved chocolates in response to the growing demand for healthier alternatives. As Cadbury launches its new chocolate bars, they anticipate a gradual shift in consumer preferences towards reduced-sugar options, even as they acknowledge the need for an adjustment period. Photo by Tiia Monto, Wikimedia commons.