


British Queen celebrates

Queen Camilla has kicked off Holyrood Week in Scotland with a literary focus. The King and Queen arrived for a condensed visit, with Tuesday morning dedicated to a

literary schedule for Queen Camilla.

At the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Queen Camilla convened with authors, booksellers, and representatives from the Edinburgh Book Festival to underscore the significance of Scottish literature.

During the gathering, Queen Camilla met with renowned Scottish author Alexander McCall Smith. Sir Alexander, knighted for his contributions to literature, academia, and charity, had previously met The King and Queen in 2023 during his involvement in the Great Tapestry of Scotland project.

Joining Queen Camilla were prominent Scottish crime authors Sir Ian Rankin and Val McDermid. They engaged in discussions on books and literacy, with Rankin praising Queen Camilla’s strong commitment to promoting reading:

"She’s genuinely passionate about literacy. She wants young people reading, she wants everyone reading. There’s no judgment attached to what you write—whether it’s comic books, romance, or crime fiction—she’s supportive of anything that encourages reading."

Normally, the monarch, along with other members of the Royal Family, spends a week in Scotland meeting various communities and organizations. However, this year's visit has been abbreviated to two days due to the upcoming general election on July 4th. Photo by Mark Tantrum, Wikimedia commons.