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UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer criticized Russia for sacrificing its citizens in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine during his first address to the United Nations Security Council

on Wednesday. He claimed that "600,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded" in the war, questioning how Moscow can continue to participate in UN discussions.

"The UN Charter, which Russia is supposed to uphold, speaks of human dignity—not about treating your own citizens as mere pieces of meat to be thrown into a grinder," Starmer stated. During his remarks, Russia's deputy UN ambassador, Dmitry Polyanskiy, appeared visibly uncomfortable, with his head in his hands.

In addition to his criticism of Russia, Starmer called for immediate ceasefires in Lebanon and Gaza, where Israel is engaged in intensifying military actions against Iran-backed militant groups. "Security will come through diplomacy, not escalation. There is no military solution here," Starmer said, advocating for a ceasefire and the release of hostages.

Starmer’s appearance on the global stage coincides with domestic pressure over a gift-taking scandal involving him and his deputy, as well as a notable slip of the tongue during a speech where he accidentally referred to "sausages" instead of "hostages" in calling for a peaceful resolution in Gaza. The gaffe quickly went viral, adding to the challenges he faces at home. Photo by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street, Wikimedia commons.