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Morocco has expressed criticism toward France for not openly acknowledging Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, a region situated to its south.

Mohammed VI's reference to Western Sahara as a "prism" in August 2022 was clear and carried significant implications. For Rabat, the era of diplomatic caution has ended. It's now time to distinguish true allies from those who are not. In his noteworthy address, the King urged the "partners" of the kingdom, whose positions on the Sahara issue are unclear, to provide clarity.

Primarily, this allusion was directed at France, which has yet to formally recognize Morocco's "sovereignty" over Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony disputed by the Polisario Front, supported by Algeria. Paris, torn between Rabat and Algiers, has been cautious and hesitant, refusing to make a definitive commitment. T

his cautious approach has frustrated Morocco and intensified ongoing diplomatic tensions between the two nations. The border dispute over the Sahara region traces its roots back to the era of French colonization in Algeria, likely at the heart of the bilateral crisis. Media outlets close to the Moroccan palace have made this point explicit. "It is highly likely that if President Macron were to make the historic decision tomorrow to recognize the Moroccan claim over the Sahara (...), the Franco-Moroccan partnership would embark on a new chapter," as stated by the online newspaper Hepsress. Photo by YoTuT from United States, Wikimedia commons.