

British Queen celebrates

William Lewis, an 80-year-old pensioner, is facing a £1,000 fine for using his farmland near Dorking, Surrey, as a temporary car park for vehicles bound for Ukraine. Defiantly, Lewis says

he would rather go to jail than pay the fine.

Supporting Ukraine's War Effort

Lewis's farmland holds up to 50 cars at a time, which are used to transport soldiers, injured service members, and medical professionals in Ukraine. He has made seven trips to Ukraine since the war with Russia began, delivering humanitarian aid, several ambulances, and raising funds for 180 generators.

Conflict with Local Council

Despite his humanitarian efforts, Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has warned that storing cars on his property violates planning permission guidelines. MVDC states that the use of the land represents a material change, requiring planning permission. Complaints from local residents about the "excessive number of cars" prompted the council to investigate.

Lewis's Stand

Lewis, a father of five, remains resolute: "If they issue a fine, I won't be paying it. I'd go to jail for a few days and that will expose them." He describes the council's actions as "outrageous and unsympathetic," insisting that the cars are not an eyesore and cause no inconvenience. He adds, "I haven't been allowed to express details of the situation. I would enter into dialogue but they've been so high-handed."

Council's Response

Councillor Margaret Cooksey, cabinet member for planning at MVDC, explained, "Given that the land is designated for agricultural use and lies within an Area of Great Landscape Value, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and the Metropolitan Green Belt, this storage represents a material change in land use. As such, planning permission is required."

Planning Contravention Notice

MVDC has issued a Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) under Section 171C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, requesting information for enforcement purposes. Failure to comply with the PCN could result in a £1,000 fine. Cooksey noted that Lewis has until the end of August 2024 to cease using the land for vehicle storage or submit a valid planning application if he wishes to continue beyond that date.

Humanitarian Impact

Since February 2022, Lewis has played a vital role in supporting Ukraine, facilitating the shipment of donated vehicles through a scheme allowing owners of non-ULEZ compliant cars to donate them. These efforts are part of a broader initiative involving the Mayor of London and the charity British Ukrainian Aid (BUA).

Despite the threat of fines and legal action, Lewis remains committed to his cause, standing firm in his belief that aiding Ukraine outweighs the council's regulations. Photo by, Wikimedia commons.