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Shropshire Council has announced a more favorable budget position than anticipated in its final accounts for the last financial year, revealing that it came in £6.5 million

ahead of its budget forecast.

Initially, the council had projected an overspend of £14.5 million. However, cost-saving measures in the last three months of 2023-24 reduced this expected deficit to £8 million.

In a report presented to the authority's cabinet, finance officials noted that the demand for adult and children's social care services continued to rise. Despite these pressures, the council's financial performance surpassed expectations.

Looking ahead, the council cautioned that the 2024-25 financial year would still be "highly challenging."

A year prior, Shropshire Council aimed to save £52 million by April 2024 and ultimately achieved £41 million, or 80% of its target. The savings target for the current year is even more ambitious at £62 million.

To meet these goals, the council has outlined planned savings for the year, which include cuts to leisure services and recycling centers. Additionally, council tax has been increased by 4.99%.

Last year’s budget relied on £20 million from reserves to cover the rising costs of social care. Going into the new budget, only £8.2 million remains in reserves, approximately half of the recommended level. Photo by Mike White, Wikimedia commons.