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Two men accused of plotting a gun attack on the Jewish community in north-west England are set to go on trial next autumn. Walid Saadaoui, 36, and Amar Hussein, 50, are charged with

preparing acts of terrorism between December 13, 2023, and May 9, 2024.

The charges allege that they "made arrangements for the purchase and delivery of firearms, conducted reconnaissance, and planned attacks." Walid Saadaoui's brother, Bilel Saadaoui, 35, is charged with failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism.

Prosecutors claim that Walid Saadaoui and Hussein planned an attack using automatic weapons, inspired by ISIL or Daesh. The main targets were the Jewish community in north-west England, as well as law enforcement and military personnel.

The three defendants appeared via videolink from custody for a hearing at the Old Bailey before Mr. Justice Jeremy Baker. Prosecutor Jocelyn Ledward stated that the accused intended to cause multiple fatalities using automatic guns and had taken significant steps to prepare for the attack.

A 12-week trial is scheduled to begin on October 7, 2025, at Preston Crown Court. Further hearings at the Old Bailey are set for October 25 and December 20 this year.

During the hearing, the defendants—Walid Saadaoui of Crankwood Road, Abram, Wigan; Bilel Saadaoui of Fairclough Street, Hindley, Wigan; and Amar Hussein of no fixed abode—confirmed their identities. They were remanded into custody. Photo by Mikey, Wikimedia commons.