

British Queen celebrates


British men and women are receiving warnings that they may be called to war if the UK engages in any conflicts due to insufficient army numbers.

This caution comes ahead of a speech from the head of the army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, later today (Wednesday, January 24). He is expected to stress the need for the government to "mobilize the nation" in the event of a war with Russia.

Gen Sir Patrick, who has criticized the reductions in army numbers, is reported to have stated that British men and women should be prepared for a call to service if NATO goes to war with Vladimir Putin.

His purported claims follow a warning from a senior NATO military official that the public should prepare for an all-out war with Russia within the next 20 years, implying a significant change in their lives. Admiral Rob Bauer said nations needed to be prepared to "find more people if it comes to war" and to consider "mobilization, reservists, or conscription."

This isn't the first time Gen Sir Patrick has suggested that members of the public may be needed to support the army. In 2022, he predicted that the UK was facing its "1937 moment" over the war in Ukraine, asserting that Britain must be ready to "fight and win" to counter the threat from Russia.

It is believed that he does not support the idea of compulsory enrollment of people into military service but thinks there should be a "shift" in the mindset of ordinary British people, encouraging them to think more like troops and be mentally prepared for going to war with Russia.

Gen Sir Patrick, who will step down as Chief of the General Staff in six months, will deliver his speech at the International Armoured Vehicles conference in Twickenham. The conference, annually attracting 1000 delegates from over 40 nations, sees attendance from personnel of all military backgrounds.

As of October 1, 2023, the British Army comprised 75,983 regular full-time personnel, 4,097 Gurkhas, 26,546 volunteer reserve personnel, and 4,548 "other personnel," totaling 111,174, according to government data.

If Brits were asked to sign up to fight in a war, it would be the first time in decades—almost 60 years—since conscription was last used. Mandatory military service was introduced during the First World War (1914 to 1918) after the government passed the Military Service Act in 1916. Photo: Andrew Linnett/MOD, Wikimedia commons.