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Concerns have been raised by Irish officials and Britain's Royal Navy after multiple Russian ships were spotted in Irish waters. According to a report by Irish Public

Media outlet RTE, at least four Russian vessels, including a warship and other Russian-registered merchant ships, were observed off the Irish coast. Russian ships are prohibited from both European Union and British ports, making the sighting of the vessels cause for alarm.

The detection of the Russian ships, which included the Admiral Grigorovich, a frigate known as a warship, has caused suspicion among Irish authorities. The vessels were not supposed to be near an EU port, and there are concerns that sabotage attempts on undersea cables may have been made. Ireland's exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which spans 200 miles off the nation's coastline, was breached by the ships.

The Irish Navy took photographs of the Kama, a tanker that was seen reportedly refueling the Russian frigate ship. The vessels were spotted in close proximity to undersea cables that provide internet and communication services between the UK and US. The concern is that Russia may be seeking to interfere with these cables, which would have serious implications for communication and data transfer. Photo by Nick Savchenko, Wikimedia commons.