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A recent survey conducted by StandWithUs UK, an educational pro-Israel charity, has revealed that almost 40 percent of students at Britain’s top universities view the October 7 terrorist attacks

against Israel, which resulted in the murder and kidnapping of approximately 1,200 people, as an "understandable act of resistance."

The poll highlights that only 36 percent of students across all universities recognize the October 7 incident as a terrorist attack by Hamas against innocent civilians. Furthermore, the same proportion of students believe that pro-Israel campaigners should anticipate abuse on campus.

Among the general student population, 29 percent consider the attacks to be an "understandable act of resistance," while 35 percent are unsure. However, the sentiment is notably stronger among Russell Group students, with 38 percent viewing the attacks as an act of resistance.

Additionally, 58 percent of Russell Group students believe that individuals displaying Jewish symbols or clothing are likely to face antisemitism, compared to 45 percent of students overall. Over half of Russell Group students think that pro-Israel campaigners should expect campus abuse, versus 38 percent of the broader student body, with 31 percent disagreeing.

StandWithUs UK expressed concern over these findings, suggesting that university campuses, particularly those within the Russell Group, have become hotbeds for anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiments. The charity pointed to the survey results as evidence of a growing wave of antisemitism driven by anti-Zionist ideologies.

This survey coincides with Cambridge University's decision to relocate its traditional graduation ceremony due to pro-Palestine protests. StandWithUs Executive Director Isaac Zarfati remarked, "The survey results confirm what we have been witnessing for a few years: We are in the midst of a historic wave of antisemitism fuelled by anti-Zionism. The level of ignorance among future leaders is alarming and underscores the urgent need for education and factual awareness."

The poll surveyed 1,024 university students across the UK, conducted by Savanta from April 19-23, 2024. Photo by Fars Media Corporation, Wikimedia commons.