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Government proposals to prohibit sex education for children under nine in English schools have ignited debate over appropriate curriculum content and parental rights.

While the BBC has not obtained the new guidelines, a government insider revealed plans to outlaw teaching about gender identity to young children, with teachers mandated to clarify the contested nature of gender ideology if questioned.

The review of statutory guidance on relationships and sex education, mandated by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, comes amid concerns of children being exposed to "inappropriate content." The government aims to provide clearer guidance for educators and reassurance for parents, emphasizing the importance of age-appropriate education.

Critics, including the National Association of Head Teachers, have voiced skepticism, labeling the review as politically motivated and citing a lack of evidence indicating widespread issues with age-inappropriate materials. The proposed restrictions are expected to be unveiled on Thursday, outlining the curriculum topics and corresponding age appropriateness.

Currently, relationships, sex, and health education are mandatory in all secondary schools in England, with relationships education compulsory in primary schools since September 2020. However, primary schools have discretion in determining whether to include sex education to meet the needs of their students.

Last year, over 50 Conservative MPs voiced concerns about children being "indoctrinated with radical and unevidenced ideologies about sex and gender." Meanwhile, separate guidance issued in 2020 instructed teachers to inform parents if their child expressed a desire to change their gender identity at school.

As the debate unfolds, stakeholders continue to grapple with balancing educational standards, parental involvement, and societal norms in shaping sex education policies for young learners. Photo by Malate269, Wikimedia commons.