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The director of the Auschwitz Museum has confirmed that Russia will not be invited to participate in the 80th anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz

in January, despite the fact that the Red Army liberated the concentration camp on January 27, 1945.

Dr. Piotr Cywiński made the announcement in response to a question from a Polish press agency during the Museum’s unveiling of plans for next year’s ceremonies. He emphasized that the anniversary not only honors the victims but also celebrates freedom—something he believes Russia does not currently respect.

"This is the anniversary of liberation. We remember the victims, but we also celebrate freedom. It is hard to imagine the presence of Russia, which clearly does not understand the value of freedom. Such presence would be cynical. I would like it to be possible again someday, but let’s be serious—it certainly won’t be in the next four months," Cywiński stated.

Russia has been absent from the annual ceremonies for the past two years due to its ongoing war with Ukraine.

The Auschwitz Museum has created a special website,, to provide updated information on the events scheduled for January 26 and 27. Delegations from many countries involved in World War II are expected to attend, and there is hope that some Holocaust survivors will also be present for the historic occasion. Photo by Air-Quad UG, Wikimedia commons.