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Rishi Sunak will caution Russia's allies that they are "on the wrong side of history" at a significant international summit on Ukraine. The Prime Minister, who was

photographed speaking with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the event in Switzerland, will condemn nations providing arms and components to support Vladimir Putin's war.

The peace summit, held at the Buergenstock Resort overlooking Lake Lucerne, has pulled Mr. Sunak away from the General Election campaign. Earlier on Saturday, he also attended the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London.

This summit represents the largest gathering of world leaders focused solely on Ukraine since the invasion began. Dozens of heads of state and governments are expected to attend, although Russia was not invited, leaving little hope for substantial progress on a peace deal.

During his address, Mr. Sunak will emphasize the stark reality facing Russia's allies: "Those who aid Russia by providing the weapons of war, or components for those weapons should look at this summit today. They should look at Bucha, Mariupol, Kharkiv, and they should reflect on the choice they have made. They are placing themselves on the side of the aggressor—and on the wrong side of history."

He will assert that Putin has no genuine interest in peace, accusing him of orchestrating a diplomatic campaign against the summit and spreading false narratives about his willingness to negotiate. "We should ask Russia why they feel so threatened by a summit discussing the basic principles of territorial integrity, food security, and nuclear safety," Sunak will say.

Mr. Sunak will conclude by stressing the importance of working with President Zelensky from a position of strength to outline principles for a just and lasting peace based on international law and the UN Charter. "This will demonstrate to Ukraine that we will support them when they are ready for negotiations and signal to Putin's allies in North Korea, Iran, and elsewhere that we will protect the right of all nations to determine their own future." Photo by Prime Minister's Office, Wikimedia commons.