

British Queen celebrates

As Members of Parliament (MPs) return to Parliament, they can anticipate a "packed legislative agenda," according to Commons Leader Lucy Powell. The agenda includes

significant bills on renters' reform and water regulation.

In the coming weeks, the Government plans to prioritize improving workers' rights, tightening regulations on MPs' second jobs, and addressing the root causes of the ongoing energy crisis.

Among the first items on the agenda are two "historic" bills expected to be introduced in Parliament. One aims to bring rail operators into public ownership, and the other seeks to establish a fiscal lock to ensure economic stability.

Ahead of Parliament’s return, Ms. Powell stated, "This new Labour Government is energized, full of ideas, and determined to deliver our mandate for change. We've announced a packed legislative agenda focused on the people’s priorities.

"After 14 years of Conservative rule, we've had to act swiftly and decisively to address the decay in our country’s finances, public services, and politics.

"Now, as we return from the shortest summer recess in history, Labour is ready to roll up our sleeves and pass the laws urgently needed to repair the foundations and build a better Britain."

On September 5, the Great British Energy Bill will have its second reading following the summer recess. This bill aims to ensure long-term energy security and includes the establishment of the UK’s state-owned energy company.

The Modernisation Committee, which is tasked with raising standards, improving the political culture, and enhancing working practices in the House of Commons, is expected to begin its work in the autumn.

In the House of Lords, the Crown Estate Bill, which proposes granting the Government greater powers to borrow and invest, will have its second reading. The Government hopes this bill will bolster the partnership between Great British Energy and the monarchy’s property firm, accelerating the deployment of offshore wind projects, fostering new technologies, and supporting UK supply chains.

The Crown Estate, which owns most of Britain’s seabed up to 12 nautical miles from the mainland, leases parts of it to wind farm operators.

Later in October, the Budget will be presented to MPs. Sir Keir Starmer has previously warned that it will be "painful," and the Government has indicated that "difficult choices" will need to be made, including potential restrictions on who receives winter fuel payments. Photo by UK Parliament, Wikimedia commons.