

British Queen celebrates


The United Kingdom experienced nearly 2,000 antisemitic incidents in the first half of 2024, marking the highest number ever recorded for the first six months of any year, according to a

Jewish advisory organization stated on Thursday.

The Community Security Trust (CST), which provides security guidance to Britain's approximately 280,000 Jewish citizens, reported that more than half of the incidents had connections to Israel, Gaza, Hamas, or the ongoing regional conflict.

“The disgraceful surge in British antisemitism is further evidenced by these latest figures,” said CST Chief Executive Mark Gardner. “It happens across society, including in schools, campuses, places of work, public transport and on the streets.”

From January to July, the CST documented 1,978 incidents of antisemitism—over double the number recorded in the same period last year. The report noted a significant rise in both online incidents and anti-Jewish hate in educational institutions. Photo by Quinn Dombrowski from Berkeley, USA, Wikimedia commons.