

British Queen celebrates


The report from the first part of the Leveson Inquiry into press standards is to be released next Thursday.

David Cameron set up the inquiry in July last year in response to revelations that the News of the World commissioned a private detective to hack murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler's phone after she disappeared in 2002.

The first part, which started in September last year, looked at the culture, practices and ethics of the press in general and its final report will be published on November 29, the inquiry announced.

Inquiry chairman Lord Justice Leveson will publish the report, which is expected to include recommendations for the future regulation of the British press, at 1.30pm next Thursday, followed by an "on-camera statement".

The report will be laid in both Houses of Parliament, the inquiry said, and will be available on its website once it has been laid in Parliament. Prime Minister David Cameron will make a Commons statement on the Leveson Inquiry after it reports, Leader of the House Andrew Lansley told MPs.

Lord Justice Leveson and his panel of advisers heard months of evidence - some explosive - from key figures including celebrities, lawyers, politicians and journalists. The final report will reveal his recommendations for the future regulation of the British press.


Leaked details of private letters that Lord Justice Leveson wrote to newspaper groups were said to have revealed stinging criticism, with one source telling The Guardian the chairman had thrown the "kitchen sink" at the press.

As debates over possible outcomes from the inquiry have raged in the run-up to the publication of its report, the Prime Minister has been urged not to impose statutory regulation on the press.

Editors of local papers covering his constituency, as well as those of Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Labour leader Ed Miliband and Culture Secretary Maria Miller, all pleaded for the protection of a free press. Mr Cameron has indicated he will implement any recommendations which are not "bonkers".

He, Mr Clegg and Mr Miliband told victims of press abuses on Wednesday, including Kate McCann and Chris Jefferies that they would "look favourably" on Lord Justice Leveson's proposals. There are believed to be differences within the Government over whether that should include putting the press under statutory controls.

The Press Association, photo by Foreign Press Association in London