

British Queen celebrates

On March 2nd, 2023, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Norway visited the United Kingdom and met with the Prince and Princess of Wales at Windsor Castle. The focus of their

conversation was centered around the environment, with a particular emphasis on green energy solutions. The Norwegian royals were accompanied by representatives from leading Norwegian businesses who are involved in finding sustainable energy solutions.

This was not the first time the future monarchs of the UK and Norway had met. Previously, in 2018, William and Kate visited Oslo where they met Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit.

During their visit, the Norwegian royals also took the opportunity to visit Brixton and see the contribution of Norwegian company, Betongpark, in restoring Stockwell skate park to make it a valuable resource for the local community. In addition, Crown Princess Mette-Marit hosted a reception for the book industry ahead of World Book Day. Literature and literacy is one of the Crown Princess’ main interests and during the reception, she spoke about how it binds people together.

The meeting between the royals took place in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor, emphasizing the importance of the environment in their discussion. The Crown Prince and Princess of Norway have made it a priority to strengthen co-operation between the two countries in areas including green energy during their visit to the UK.

Overall, the meeting was a productive and positive step towards building stronger ties between the UK and Norway, and addressing important issues related to the environment and sustainability. Photo by Evka W, Wikimedia commons.