

British Queen celebrates


According to a study by TomTom, London has officially been named the slowest city in the world to drive in, adding to its reputation for having the worst traffic and being one of the most

stressful cities to drive in. The research found that drivers in the UK capital spend an average of 36 minutes and 20 seconds to cover just over 6 miles (10km), making it the slowest city compared to 389 other cities worldwide. In fact, the average drive time increased by almost two minutes in 2022 compared to the previous year.

Other UK cities also featured in the top 50 slowest cities list, with Manchester at 24th place, Liverpool at 32nd place, and Edinburgh at 42nd place. The configuration of the road network in central London was cited as a factor contributing to the slow driving speeds. TfL has stated that it is working with boroughs to improve traffic and reduce pollution caused by vehicles in the city. Photo by Mike Malone, Wikimedia commons.