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A female security watchman is battling for her life subsequent to being attacked by a detainee at a London court today.

The male detainee assaulted the Serco guard at Blackfriars Crown Court at around 1.30 this evening, police said.

Scotland Yard said the episode happened as the lady, thought to be in her 50s, escorted the detainee in the middle of court and a holding up van stopped outside.

The casualty was dealt with by doctors from the London Air Ambulance group before being taken to an east London healing facility.

She stays in a basic condition after the occurrence, police said.



A 22-year-old man was captured on suspicion of endeavored murder after the episode. He stays in authority at a south London police headquarters and the Met's homicide and real wrongdoing charge is exploring.

Serco is an outsourcing organization which is shrunk by the legislature to give some security administrations. photo - Google StreetView