World News



British Queen celebrates

Scotland's First Minister, John Swinney, has expressed his excitement to support the national team by joining the travelling Tartan Army fans for Scotland's opening

Euro 2024 match against Germany.

Swinney will fly to Munich on Friday to attend the inaugural match and participate in the official opening ceremony of the UEFA fan zone at the Olympic Park Stadium in Munich.

Expressing his enthusiasm, Swinney stated, "Football has an incredible way of uniting people of all ages and nationalities. It's a privilege to head to Munich to join the fans in supporting our national team and to experience the warm hospitality of our German hosts."

The tournament coincides with the 70th anniversary of the twinning of Edinburgh and Munich, a fact Swinney also acknowledged, saying, "I am honored to attend the opening game between Scotland and Germany. I wish our national team, under the leadership of Steve Clarke, the best of luck. Above all, I hope all our traveling fans have a wonderful time."

Sports Minister Maree Todd and Culture Secretary Angus Robertson will also attend subsequent matches against Switzerland and Hungary, respectively. Additionally, they will engage in cultural and sports-related events in Cologne and Stuttgart, focusing on sports diplomacy and enhancing Scottish-German relations. Photo by Scottish Government, Wikimedia commons.