


British Queen celebrates



A recent survey conducted by waste management company Better Waste Solutions has shed light on the recycling habits of British festival attendees. The study found that a significant majority

of festival goers, 81% to be precise, take their tents home to reuse them, showcasing a positive trend in sustainability.

However, the survey also exposed some concerning habits. 11% of respondents admitted to discarding disposable cups on the festival grounds, while only 18% stated that they bring their own reusable cups and bottles. When recycling bins are available, 35% said they dispose of used cups properly, but 10% admitted to placing cups in general waste bins.

Regarding deposit return schemes (DRS), only 1% of respondents returned their cups through such initiatives. However, 26% mentioned giving their cups to other attendees collecting them for a financial reward.

One alarming finding is that most abandoned tents are not suitable for recycling or reuse and are sent to landfill. Despite the positive percentage of festival goers reusing their tents, the remaining tents left behind contribute to environmental waste.

In terms of cigarette butt disposal, 21% of attendees admitted to dropping them on the festival grounds, even though 67% stated they don't smoke at festivals. To combat environmental impact, Glastonbury discouraged attendees from bringing single-use vapes, and the British Metal Recycling Association (BMRA) has called for a ban on such devices at all festivals.

Regarding post-festival waste management, over 50% of respondents said they dispose of unwanted belongings at home, while 18% use recycling bins at festivals, 21% opt for general waste bins, and 10% leave their items on the festival grounds.

Anne Kapoor, Founder, and Director of Festival in a Bag, emphasized the importance of encouraging better purchasing decisions, urging festival-goers to invest in durable tents that can be reused, rather than opting for throwaway options.

Stephen Wilce, the founder of Better Waste Solutions, highlighted the need for convenient deposit schemes to discourage littering and emphasized the importance of clear instructions on proper waste disposal. He also called on attendees to take control of their environmental impact by bringing their own reusable items to festivals. Photo by Andy F, Wikimedia commons.