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The Metropolitan Police received reports on October 21 of an unusual theft involving a sophisticated fraud targeting artisan cheesemakers, leading to the loss of 22 tonnes of high-quality

cheddar valued at over £300,000.

Neal's Yard Dairy, a respected distributor and retailer of British cheeses based in London, was deceived by scammers posing as a legitimate wholesale distributor for a prominent French retailer. The fraudsters managed to orchestrate the delivery of 950 clothbound cheeses, including renowned varieties like Hafod Welsh organic cheddar, Westcombe cheddar, and Pitchfork cheddar, before the scam was detected.

Following the significant financial loss, Neal's Yard Dairy has engaged both UK and international law enforcement to investigate and identify those responsible. Despite the blow, the company honored its commitment to small-scale suppliers by fully compensating three artisan cheesemakers affected by the scam.

The stolen cheeses, retailing at £7.15 to £12.90 per 250-300g piece, were taken by fraudsters who successfully convinced Neal's Yard Dairy they were part of a genuine distribution chain. Although no arrests have been made, Scotland Yard is investigating the "theft of a large quantity of cheese," with a spokesperson confirming that "enquiries are ongoing into the circumstances."

Patrick Holden, owner of the farm producing Hafod cheddar, expressed dismay, noting that trust is deeply rooted in the artisan cheese industry, making this deception especially unsettling. Tom Calver, a director at Westcombe Dairy, highlighted the extensive effort involved, from planting feed seeds for their animals nearly three years ago to finally producing the cheese.

Despite the setback, Neal's Yard Dairy is committed to its mission of promoting British and Irish farm-made cheeses. Founded in the 1980s, the company operates four shops across London and offers online sales and subscriptions. In response to the theft, they are encouraging customers to continue supporting their business, knowing that each purchase directly supports small-scale producers.

The investigation continues as Neal's Yard Dairy takes steps to ensure financial resilience and stability within the artisan cheese sector. Photo by Jon Sullivan, Wikimedia commons.