

British Queen celebrates


In an open letter addressed to the Israeli government, more than 100 senior rabbis and communal leaders from Reform, Masorti, and Liberal synagogues across the UK have voiced their

support for pro-democracy protesters in Israel. The letter comes as a response to the recent Knesset vote to abolish the "Reasonableness Standard" in Israeli jurisprudence, raising concerns about the future of Israel's democracy.

The signatories express their deep concern for Israel's democratic principles and emphasize their duty to speak out against any threats to the fundamental values and institutions of the Jewish nation. They stress the importance of safeguarding Israel's democratic norms and maintaining a system of checks and balances.

The religious and communal leaders draw upon the lessons from history, highlighting the dangers of tyranny, oppression, and the erosion of democratic norms. They mention the collective memory of countless struggles for freedom and justice, urging against the division and silencing of voices.

Among the signatories are prominent figures from various Jewish youth movements, the Union of Jewish Students, parliamentary pro-Israel groups such as Labour Friends of Israel, and significant UK-Israel organizations like UJIA. The letter serves as a strong statement of support and solidarity with those standing up for democracy and justice in Israel. Photo by צילום: איציק אדרי, Wikimedia commons.