


British Queen celebrates



The Department for Education, led by The Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP, is set to introduce proposals aimed at expanding school options by lifting the cap on faith school places.

Efforts spearheaded by the Home Secretary to overhaul the UK's immigration system and curtail unsustainable levels of migration are yielding tangible results, as indicated by


Concerns over the misuse of higher education as an immigration pathway have been reignited as leaked figures expose a significant concentration of asylum claims among foreign students,

Six distinguished individuals have been selected to receive honorary degrees from the University of Oxford this year. At the upcoming Encaenia ceremony, the following recipients will be

Police intervened during Nancy Pelosi's speech at the Oxford Union on Thursday, removing two pro-Palestine protesters who disrupted the event by waving Palestinian flags.

Foreign entities are actively targeting British universities with the aim of undermining national security, according to a warning issued by MI5. University leaders from 24 prominent institutions


The Alan Turing Institute has underscored the pivotal role of artificial intelligence (AI) in informing crucial national security decisions, while also cautioning against potential risks.

In a bold move aimed at curbing phone addiction among its students, the All Saints Catholic College in Notting Hill, London, has unveiled plans to extend the school day to 12 hours.


A recent study by Ofcom suggests that nearly a quarter of children aged five to seven in the UK now possess their own smartphones, indicating a significant rise in technology adoption among


A Muslim student's High Court challenge against a ban on prayer rituals at a high-achieving school in London, once dubbed Britain's strictest, was dismissed today.