


British Queen celebrates


Timothy Garton Ash, a renowned history professor at Oxford University, has donated his prize money from the prestigious Lionel Gelber Prize 2024 to the


Recent figures demonstrate that graduates from both Oxford Brookes University and the University of Oxford are outpacing their counterparts from other universities in


A recent survey conducted by StandWithUs UK, an educational pro-Israel charity, has revealed that almost 40 percent of students at Britain’s top universities view the October 7 terrorist attacks


Government proposals to prohibit sex education for children under nine in English schools have ignited debate over appropriate curriculum content and parental rights.


British researchers, businesses, and academics are poised to benefit from expanded access to future supercomputer research funding, as the UK officially joins the European High Performance


At a meeting convened at Downing Street to address campus antisemitism, Union of Jewish Students president Edward Isaacs delivered a poignant message, describing the past year as


Pro-Palestinian encampments emerged at the prestigious campuses of Oxford and Cambridge on Monday, drawing attention to what organizers assert as complicity with Israeli actions.


Michael Ziff, a hopeful candidate for the presidency of the Board of Deputies, has penned a letter to the president and interim vice-chancellor of the University of Leeds,


Criticism has been leveled at the University of Oxford after it emerged that event tickets were being sold for a staggering £446.


In a wave of solidarity with Palestine, protests erupted across British universities on Thursday, echoing the fervor of demonstrations at US campuses. At Goldsmiths University in London,