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In a significant shift of battlefield advantage, Ukraine now reportedly has more tanks than Russia, according to the latest data. Over the past few months, Kyiv has received hundreds of heavy

weapons from its western allies, while Russia has suffered heavy losses with thousands of tanks destroyed or captured since Vladimir Putin's invasion began 16 months ago.

An analysis of the latest data on losses and gains by Bloomberg reveals that Ukraine now has a larger tank fleet than Russia. Citing tracking databases, Bloomberg states that the number of Russian tanks has dropped to around 1,400, while Ukraine has seen a rise to 1,500, tipping the scales in favor of Kyiv when it comes to heavy armor on the battlefield.

The disparity between the two armies is also narrowing when it comes to other military equipment, including heavy guns and Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, as reported by Bloomberg.

The data is sourced from various outlets, including the German-based Kiel Institute Ukraine Support Tracker, the military blog Oryx, and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).

According to Oryx, which tracks confirmed losses through visual confirmation such as videos and pictures posted online, Russia has suffered the destruction, damage, abandonment, or capture of 2,082 tanks since February 2022. The starting figure for Moscow's tank fleet was reported to be 3,417, suggesting that approximately 1,400 tanks remain.

On the other hand, Ukraine began the war with 987 tanks and has received 471 new tanks since then, including German Leopard 2 tanks, British Challenger 2 tanks, and American M1 Abrams tanks. Additionally, 286 tanks are on their way to Kyiv. Taking into account Russian tanks captured by Ukrainian forces, it is estimated that Ukraine now possesses around 1,500 tanks.

While there are uncertainties surrounding these figures, with both countries closely guarding their true losses, the data offers insights into the changing dynamics of the conflict. It should be noted that reliable information on the replacement tanks produced or deployed by Russia is not available.

Despite the heavy losses suffered by both sides, Ukraine has managed to replenish its tank fleet through deliveries of new tanks and the capture of Russian equipment. The conflict has taken a toll on both countries, and the true extent of their losses may never be fully known. Photo by  7th Army Training Command from Grafenwoehr, Germany, Wikimedia commons.