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Michael Gove, a former Cabinet Office minister, has stepped forward to defend Boris Johnson's handling of lockdown decisions amid the Covid inquiry. Apologizing for the government's mistakes

during the pandemic, Gove refuted claims that Johnson was incapable of making decisions about lockdowns, citing the difficulty for the Prime Minister to align with his political perspectives.

Acknowledging the delays in the implementation of lockdowns in March and November 2020, Gove admitted the government's errors. He expressed his remorse to the victims and bereaved families, shouldering his part of the responsibility for the government's actions.

Gove highlighted the human aspect of politicians, emphasizing the complexity of decisions made during the pandemic. While admitting unique mistakes made by the UK government, he also recognized similar missteps in governments globally.

The inquiry focused on dissecting how critical decisions were made by senior ministers and civil servants during the initial phase of the pandemic. Gove's testimony underscored his reluctance to criticize his former colleagues, despite previous accounts from some of Johnson's advisors characterizing him as indecisive.

The ex-Cabinet Office minister shed light on Johnson's decision-making process, stating that imposing lockdowns contradicted the Prime Minister's political beliefs. Gove emphasized Johnson's preference for robust decision-making through opposing arguments.

Amid admissions of failure and unpreparedness for the pandemic, Gove noted the lack of emphasis on children's impact, errors in PPE procurement, and deficiencies in testing planning.

He referenced a candid WhatsApp conversation with Dominic Cummings about the government's failure to seize opportunities during the crisis. Gove expressed concerns about the Cabinet Office's effectiveness in delivering the government's priorities at that time.

Additionally, Gove mentioned the Covid virus's origins, delving into controversial theories about its man-made potential, although the inquiry's terms didn't cover this aspect.

The inquiry will continue its investigation into the core decision-making processes of the UK government during the pandemic, with upcoming testimonies from key figures like Matt Hancock, Dominic Raab, and others. Photo by UK Government, Wikimedia commons.