

British Queen celebrates


With more than 14,000 animals under their care, London Zoo conducts its annual weigh-in day to monitor and measure the well-being of its inhabitants.

London Zoo recently held its annual weigh-in day, where a variety of animals, including meerkats, penguins, and tigers, were brought onto the scales. This process, aimed at recording their essential statistics, serves as a tool for zookeepers to ensure the animals' overall health.

The data collected during the weigh-in is integrated into the Zoological Information Management System. This database is then shared with other zoos across the globe, aiding zookeepers in comparing information about threatened species.

Angela Ryan, Head of Zoological Operations, highlighted the significance of this data, stating, "This data is instrumental in ensuring that every animal we oversee is in good health, maintaining a proper diet, and exhibiting appropriate growth patterns—an important gauge of their well-being."

She added, "Through sharing this information with fellow zoos and conservationists worldwide, we can collectively utilize this knowledge to enhance the care and protection of the species we are dedicated to preserving." Photo by Building at London Zoo by Oast House Archive, Wikimedia commons.