

British Queen celebrates

In response to messages posted on TikTok urging potential looters to target shops on Oxford Street, the Metropolitan Police has announced an escalated police presence in the central London

area. Speculation has arisen about an event scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, prompting the implementation of a police dispersal order from 11am on Tuesday until 10am on Thursday. This order grants officers the authority to exclude individuals from the area for a span of 48 hours, with non-compliance resulting in potential arrest.

The social media appeal calls for crowds to gather on Oxford Street, echoing a previous incident in which a mob ransacked a candy shop in the vicinity, looting stock and sharing footage. Similarly, the event advertised for Wednesday afternoon aims to rally a significant group to storm the street.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has urged people not to partake in the "nonsense" being spread on social media. Khan emphasized that the police are vigilant and committed to maintaining safety in the area.

The Met Police issued a statement on Twitter: "We are aware of online speculation about opportunities to commit crime around Oxford Street. There will be a significant number of our officers in the area over the next 24 hours. Anyone committing a crime can expect to be dealt with robustly."

A police spokesperson added, "We are working very closely with our partners, including the New West End company, to ensure that any criminal behavior is dealt with quickly. If you see or hear anything suspicious in relation to this activity, please contact us on 999 in an emergency or 101 if it is a non-emergency." Photo by David Boyle, Wikimedia commons. Photo by Hma6112, Wikimedia commons.